CardiacFITT FITT Kits are designed to help you jumpstart your way to "get back to your fit".
This 6 week all access kit provides you with access to the CardiacFITT platform and our most popular health and wellness services.
This includes access to:
- CardiacFITT Partner Certified Personal Trainers
- Live 30 min Virtual Group Fitness Classes that are offered 4x per week
Tailored for all fitness levels
- Individually tailored Mobile Fitness App
- Interactive Virtual Private CardiacFITT Groups & Workshop Sessions
(Example Topics: Emotional Well-being, Social-Emotional Eating, & Understanding
Your Prescriptions )
- Health & Nutrition Telephonic Coaching Session*
- CardiacFITT Apparel, Fitness Starter Kit, and more...
Program Starts: January 2021
Pre-Order CardiacFITT FITT Kit
No refunds or exchanges for other services are available for this product. CardiacFITT FITT Kits can be transfered to another user within the first week of the service start date. Transfer request must be made in writing and sent to with a SUBJECT: Transfer of FITT Kit and contact details (full name, email, and phone number) for new Kit owner. Notification of transfer of services will be sent to original FITT Kit Owner.
A shippng confirmation email will be sent for all pre-ordered CardiacFITT Kits when kits are shipped.